Life is an adventure with unexpected twists and turns. We've all heard about those rare heart-pumping moments when someone narrowly avoids a car crash or literally dodges a bullet aimed at them, but apparently, those happen more often than we'd like to believe. These are the moments that really make us wonder what else the universe can throw at us. For some people, waking up in the morning or going to work one day involved a chance encounter they barely made it out of in one piece. So buckle up and get ready for a wild ride as you explore these images of people's close contact with danger.

Mika Ayla
It's a Good Day to Wear Safety Goggles
Life can be unpredictable, and sometimes, it feels like the universe is playing a crazy game. Jeremiah wore safety goggles while angle grinding, and boy, was he glad he did. The blade flew, piercing the goggles and the wall, but somehow, he still has his right eye. It's hard to believe he managed to walk away from this experience unscathed, but he did! It's incredible how we manage to make it through the chaos of life.

These images will make you sweat as you witness the unbelievable moments when danger is just an inch away, but it gets worse, as you will soon see.
Karma Is Real
The universe has a funny way of working things out. Take, for instance, the story of this insane car accident. When a driver rear-ended a car and sped away, it seemed like the victim was out of a ton of cash to repair his car. But thanks to his dirty car, justice was served. The perpetrator's license plate number was engraved right in the dirt on the victim's bumper; who could've guessed that would happen?

A stroke of coincidence that helped the authorities identify the hit-and-run driver. It just goes to show that even in the most unlikely circumstances, things have a way of working out.
Whale Statues to the Rescue
In a bizarre turn of events, a tram in the Netherlands failed to stop in time and broke through the emergency barrier. But instead of plummeting into the water below, it was caught by the statue of a whale's tail! It's hard to believe this is real, but the stunning image of the tram precariously perched on the tail is proof. Luckily, no one was hurt, and the driver was saved.

It's not every day you see a statue save the day. It's hard to believe this is even real, but it is!
The Coins That Were Bulletproof
A family heirloom has recently resurfaced, and it's nothing short of amazing. These coins passed down through generations, have an unbelievable story attached to them. During World War 1, they stopped a bullet and saved the life of the owner, the great-grandfather of the current owner! The proof is right there on the coins because you can literally see the indents left by the bullet to this day. It's hard to wrap our heads around.

This was such a close call. Who can imagine living to tell the tale that you had your life saved by a bunch of coins?
Only Seconds Away From Flames Engulfing Their Home
A heartwarming story has emerged from the California wildfires that seem to be neverending. A family who was mere seconds away from losing their home has expressed gratitude to the heroic firefighters who saved their community. As you can see in this powerful photo, the land is scorched inches away from their home. Thanks to the quick actions of those brave men and women, the flames were contained, and their house was spared.

Even in the face of a devastating event like this, somehow there are glimmers of hope that really make us have faith again.
This Is Why Helmets Are Crucial
This harrowing story has surfaced that serves as a cautionary tale to all motorcycle riders out there. This guy was struck by a driver who ran a red light, and it was only thanks to his full helmet that he was able to walk away from the accident with his life. The helmet saved his lower jaw from being completely destroyed and essentially his entire life because his head didn't crack open!

This is a scary sight to see, but we're glad he made it out alive. This is also a reminder to not take any chances with your safety and always wear a helmet.
A Tree Fell on This Truck and Narrowly Missed the Passengers
This is truly an incredible story that's hard to wrap your head around. A guy was driving down the highway when a tree unexpectedly fell onto the bed of his truck. What's truly miraculous is that the passengers in the back seat and the horses in the trailer being towed behind him managed to escape unscathed. It's hard to fathom how this happened, but the fact that everyone made it out alive is nothing short of amazing.

The photo of the incident is enough to make anyone shudder. It's a stark reminder that danger can strike at any moment, but sometimes the universe is on your side.
This Guy Walked Away With Minor Injuries After Getting Hit by a Semi-Truck
This guy was in a horrible car accident, and after being struck by a semi-truck, his car was completely totaled, and the damage appeared to be catastrophic. One would assume that anyone in the car would be rushed to the emergency room, but incredibly, the driver managed to walk away with only one injury - a large scrape on his back. The resilience of the human body is truly amazing.

This story is a reminder to cherish your health and never take it for granted and also a testament to the importance of always wearing a seatbelt.
This Helmet Saved Him From Shrapnel Going Through His Head
This man narrowly escaped a potentially fatal situation in Ukraine. After being hit by shrapnel, his helmet saved him from what could have been a devastating head injury. The shrapnel was inches away from piercing through his skull, but thanks to his protective gear, he walked away with nothing more than a close call. At that moment, he was probably shaking in his boots but was able to survive that dangerous situation.

This guy will probably never take his safety for granted again. But that's not all! From surviving car crashes to escaping natural disasters, these heart-pounding tales will continue to leave you on the edge of your seat.
A Pole Flew Through a Windshield on the Highway
On a highway outside of Berkeley, California, this driver had a brush with death. While on the road, a pole flew through his windshield, narrowly missing and impaling him. The sheer thought of what could have happened is incomprehensible. It's like something straight out of a scene from a movie, and it's even harder to believe that the driver escaped without serious harm. Apparently, at any moment, you can unexpectedly be faced with danger.

Either this is a reminder to prepare for the worst while hoping for the best, or trust that the world just works in ways we'll never understand.
Hockey Players Are Tough
Have you ever wondered why hockey players have such intense gear? Well, for this exact reason. If you got hit in the face with a puck, it could quite literally split your head, but with the help of these handy masks, these accidents can be avoided. And that's precisely what happened to this girl playing hockey. She was struck so hard that her mask cracked, but her face was saved.

It's crazy how the universe works and how in a blink of an eye, a situation like this could happen, almost changing the course of your life.
This Car Went Straight Through a Home Made of Brick
Apparently, this guy left to buy a late-night snack around the corner at his local gas station and returned home less than five minutes later. But to his surprise, when he got back, a car entirely crashed into his home through the brick wall. His room is the window just to the right of the vehicle, meaning if he decided to stay home and the car veered a few inches over, his life could've been very different.

Who would've known how different the circumstances could've been if things were just slightly different? Quite surreal and terrifying.
This Truck Owner Was Inches Away From Being Crushed
At first, it seems like whoever owns that green truck is going to have a terrible day. But it could have been a lot worse if you think about it. Both of the enormous trees fell over within inches of the truck. Imagine your vehicle being crushed from both sides simultaneously. Even worse if you were sitting in the car! It looks like they narrowly escaped a huge hospital and car repair bill.

It's weird how both trees fell the same way, with the grass and roots lifting, but at least it was a clean fall away from crushing the car.
An Office After the Beirut Explosion
In 2020 there was a devastating explosion in Beirut, Lebanon. This is a disturbing photo from an office building near the source of the blast. The remnants are terrifying; you can see how it scorched this office. The only reason the people who worked there weren't harmed was because they weren't even there in person. Everyone was ordered to stay home because of COVID protocols, and that quarantine ended up saving their lives.

They could've never anticipated this devastating explosion but were probably grateful they had to stay home that day. It was definitely a close call.
That Car Fits Perfectly Under the Fallen Tree
This is another case of how on earth did this happen and how did they manage to make it out unscathed? It seems this tree fell after the driver had already parked and left the vehicle. But it's almost more surprising that this tree fell at exactly the right angle to entirely miss hitting the car. How is this possible? Either way, the owner of that car must be jumping for joy.

This could be a scene taken from a movie all about supernatural forces and magic because that's exactly what it looks like!
Fried Chicken Container Saves the Day
Imagine coming home after a long day and just wanting to sit down and eat your delicious fried chicken for dinner. But you accidentally bump into it, knocking it over your desk. You wouldn't even want to open your eyes anticipating all your yummy chicken now sprawled all over the ground. This could've gone really badly, but somehow, this image captured this box of chicken that defied both physics and gravity.

Apparently, Popeye's chicken has some magical powers because it's mind-boggling that nothing fell out of the box! The chicken was saved.
There's Never a Good Reason to Not Use Safety Chains
This photo looks like trouble. A truck driver was on the highway and lost control, sending the car over the bridge. Now there's no doubt the passengers lives flashed before their eyes. But in the best possible circumstances, the chains that hooked up the RV to the truck saved them. The chains got caught on the bridge and dangled the car so it wouldn't fully fall on the rocks!

Now the people in this car will never be more thankful for towing an RV. It was such a close call for them it's hard to believe they survived.
A Reminder to Be Grateful for Escaping a Flat Tire
This photo just might make any non-believer believe in a higher power because this is insane. This guy noticed something shiny sticking out of his car's tire. Of course, he was alarmed because if he got a flat tire, that could turn really bad. So what was it? Just a mini buddha that didn't even cause a flat tire, thankfully. If that's not a sign of good luck or karma, then what is?

Clearly, this guy had some good karma coming his way because the universe had to send him a sign in the form of a good luck charm!
You Cannot Park There Sir
A group of friends in Haifa, Israel, were hanging out, smoking, and laughing when the unthinkable happened. Out of nowhere, a car fell on top of them. It's a miracle that everyone survived this terrifying incident, which occurred in a part of the city built on the side of a hill. The street is higher than the base of the houses, so it really creates a potentially dangerous situation, as this driver experienced.

Thankfully, everyone involved in this accident walked away relatively unscathed, although it's a stark reminder of how quickly life can take an unexpected turn.
In This Moment His Life Flashed Before His Eyes
A chilling incident has been reported from a highway where a driver had a brush with death. While driving, something came flying toward the car from the left lane and impaled the windshield. It's a miracle that the driver managed to escape without serious harm. The sheer thought of what could have happened is enough to make you never want to drive again. Unexpected dangers can really lurk at any corner.

It's crazy to think that you could narrowly escape a near-death experience at any moment. This thing could alter your life forever!
A Photo From Your Worst Nightmare
We've all had those moments where we're having a great day, and then something unexpected happens. That's what happened to one person when they left work and were on their way home. They reached into their bag to grab their keys and - disaster struck! The keys fell right onto the elevator grate on the floor. It was a heart-stopping moment as the keys teetered on the edge, seconds away from slipping through the grate and disappearing forever.

Luckily, their keychain saved the day. It's a reminder always to stay alert and expect the unexpected! Keep reading to discover how people turned a terrifying experience into a lesson for life.
Imagine Taking a Sip Out of This
It's a scene straight out of a horror movie. You're enjoying a lovely evening, taking a sip from your favorite beverage, and then suddenly, you see something unexpected creeping out from the can. That's what happened to this person, but thanks to a second glance, they were saved from what could have been a true nightmare. Can you imagine the horror of unknowingly ingesting a spider or some other creepy crawly creature?

Sometimes taking a closer look can save you from a potential disaster like this guy in a truly disturbing situation!
What Are the Odds
In a bizarre accident, a log impaled a car through the hood, but miraculously, all four passengers emerged unharmed. The car, however, was not so lucky. It's hard to imagine how something like this could even happen, but it did. These people probably feel as spooked and uncomfortable as this incident looks. But despite the frightening appearance of the car, it's a relief that everyone inside made it out unscathed.

Even in situations where you least expect something to go wrong, it could! So it's moments like these that make you happy to have avoided an accident that could've been even worse.
A Phone Pierced With an Arrow
A man's phone was recently pierced with an arrow while he was taking a picture of another man threatening to shoot him. It's a surreal situation that most of us can only imagine in our wildest nightmares. The details of what led up to this are still a mystery, but the fact remains that this man's phone saved him from serious injury. Who would have thought that a phone could act as a shield in such a dangerous situation?

It just goes to show that you never know when you might need to rely on the unexpected to keep you safe.
Someone's Day Was Made When They Found Their Wedding Ring on This Fish
A lost wedding ring has been found in an unexpected way - wrapped around a mullet fish off the coast of Norfolk Island. Imagine the surprise when a snorkeler spotted the fish with the ring caught around its body. It's a story that leaves you with questions. How did the ring end up in the ocean in the first place? And, most importantly, did the ring make its way back to its rightful owner?

This incredible tale shows that sometimes unexpected things can happen in the most unusual of ways and you never really know what the next moment holds.
That Guy Is Very Calm Despite a Lightning Strike Right Next to Him
A man in Bowling Green, Kentucky, had the shock of a lifetime when he was almost struck by lightning while out running errands. Imagine feeling the hairs on the back of your neck stand up as you hear the deafening crackle of electricity so close by. It was a narrow escape, and someone else nearby captured the dramatic moment on camera to share with the world. You might not even believe your eyes when seeing this photo!

Sometimes Mother Nature has a way of absolutely shocking and astonishing people with moments like these. How scary and also exhilarating that he survived with not a scratch.
This Is Why Proper Lab Attire Is so Important
Have you ever wondered about the importance of lab safety? This story shows the value of proper lab attire and safety precautions. This person had a brush with danger when a powerful liquid was ejected at high pressure, causing destruction in the lab. It's a good thing they were wearing the appropriate gear and escaped with only a destroyed jacket. However, the incident did result in the long-awaited use of the emergency eye wash!

Accidents can happen at any moment, so it's good that they took all the necessary precautions beforehand because it made all the difference in avoiding injury.
Well, This Guy's Safety Glove Nailed It's Job
Imagine the horror of having a nail pierce through your fingers like something out of a horror movie. But this nightmare almost became a reality for one man when his nail gun backfired. However, the nail only managed to penetrate the fabric of his protective glove and not his flesh. So clearly, it was a good day for him! This close call reminds you that you can never be too cautious when working with potentially dangerous tools.

It's a scary thought to imagine what could have happened if things had gone differently, but for now, we can breathe a sigh of relief and be grateful for this man's fortunate escape.
A Boulder Hit This Car but No One Was Hit
It was a beautiful day in Idyllwild, California, until a boulder decided to crash the party, quite literally. Luckily, this person's in-laws were able to escape unscathed, but it was already too late for their car. Can you imagine the shock of seeing a boulder smash through your car? The sight is truly something out of an action movie. The damage was immediately shocking, but everyone in the car made it out unharmed.

Yet, amidst the chaos, these people couldn't help but feel grateful for their safety. Maybe they should have taken the boulder home as a souvenir!
And Not a Single Beer Broke or Spilled
Imagine being in a situation where a single mistake could lead to a disastrous outcome. This guy was carrying a case of beer, and one misstep could've ruined the entire thing. It was a close call, but somehow, everything worked out in his favor. Not a single bottle broke or spilled, which meant he could enjoy his night without any regrets. Some may argue that it's just a case of beer, but it was a moment of triumph for him.

It's amazing how moments in life like this can give you a rush of adrenaline and a newfound appreciation for the little things.
This Contact Lense Protected His Eye From a Paint Chip
Have you ever thought about the importance of wearing protective gear when doing DIY projects? This man's story will make you think twice. While painting his living room, he got a paint chip in his eye, but thankfully, he was wearing a contact lens that saved him from disaster. A specialist warned him that if he had waited to seek treatment, he could have lost his eye from a cornea infection!

Even minor things can cause significant problems, so this guy narrowly escaped something that could've turned bad. You won't believe how many other stories there are of people that came close to a disaster that could have changed everything.
It Seems Small Cars Are Ideal in This Situation
It's a morning that this guy won't forget anytime soon. He came out of his house to see his car in his driveway with a tree dangling across it! This massive tree came crashing down mere inches away from his car. It's a sight that would make anyone's heart race. Fortunately, this man wasn't in the car, and his car was left spotless. It's hard to believe how he was to walk away from such a close call with disaster.

One thing is for sure, he will certainly be looking up at the trees with a new sense of caution from now on.
Now His First Day of Work Outfit Is Saved
Picture this: you're on your way to your first day of work, trying to have breakfast on the go when suddenly, a glob of mustard falls from your sandwich and lands on your lap. Panic sets in, but luckily you were wearing your seatbelt, which caught most of the mess. Sure, your seatbelt is now stained with mustard, but it's better than ruining your brand new outfit and making a terrible first impression.

Moral of the story: always wear your seatbelt, not only to protect yourself in case of an accident but also from unexpected mishaps like this.
Thankfully This Fish Is Still Swimming Around
This was a scary moment for this mom when her cat accidentally knocked her daughter’s fishbowl off the dresser. But what happened next was nothing short of a miracle! The fishbowl landed perfectly, and the water was miraculously kept inside the bowl, saving the little fish inside. It’s a good thing too, as it could have been a tragedy for the whole family to come home and see their little fish buddy on the floor.

The cat and the fish both came out unscathed, and the family was left with a newfound appreciation for just how unpredictable life can be and how cats get into everything.
A Tree Pierced Through This Car but No One Was Inside
After deciding to wait inside their home for their car to defrost, the person was shocked to find that a tree had fallen and completely destroyed their vehicle. Had they chosen to sit inside the car just minutes earlier, the outcome could have been tragic. This person's decision to stay inside may have saved their life, and they're probably now amazed and astonished at how they managed to narrowly escape such an incident.

At any moment, everything can change, and these photos are a testament to that. And it doesn't end here.
Almost Losing a Crumpet Would Be a Bad Day
This might not seem like life or death, but this person dropped a crumpet over their cup of tea and thought it was ruined. But they quickly discovered something incredible - their cup of tea made for the perfect crumpet holder! Now, they have the perfect breakfast to go without the need for a plate or a spoon. It might seem like a small moment, but it's the little things in life that can bring the most joy.

This person's breakfast routine will never be the same again. Sometimes the smallest mishaps can turn into the most delightful surprises.
This Person's New Lucky Pen
Have you ever dropped your phone and felt a moment of sheer panic as you waited for it to hit the ground? This person knows the feeling all too well, but their phone managed to survive the fall. However, it didn't stop there. Later on, they realized their stylus pen was missing, but after a frantic search, they found it sitting right over a sewer grate. Imagine the disaster that could have been!

This person must have breathed a huge sigh of relief and couldn't believe their good fortune; sometimes, the small wins can make all the difference in your day.
A Mere Seconds Away From Sliding Into the River
This moment was caught on camera when a guy's car came dangerously close to sliding into the river. It's a miracle that he managed to stop just in time, narrowly avoiding what could have been a disastrous outcome. The footage shows how easily an innocent drive can turn into a near-death experience. It's probably a good call to never drive when roads are as snowy and icy as these are.

This is a powerful message that you never know when a split-second decision can make all the difference in the world.